“It is an illusion that photos are made with the camera… they are made with the eye, heart, and head.”
-Henri Cartier-Bresson
This blogpost will be about my cameras and lenses I’m using. Started this post in 2015.
Work in progress and not finished yet beacause i had to remove many old photos and text. But it will be updated now…but never completed as I will fill in new cameras and lenses I buy..

First of all, the cameras is not the most important thing for me. It’s the lenses that are most important. And I just wont go for sharpness and focus speed, to me character and other qualitys as rendering are equal important.
I mostly tend to prefer the old lenses, like Carl Zeiss ZE, first generation Fuji X mount lenses and some older Canon EF mount’s or even FD mount with adapter.

I Have tested a lot of cameras over the years, Nikon’s, Sony, Canon R5, R6, R8, R3
I had the Canon 5D , 5D II and 5D III. Also borrowed a lot of Canon1D series cameras in the past working as a freelance photographer. Up to Canon 1Dx.
and had a Fujifilm GFX50r for 8 months. The GFX50R with GF50mm F3.5 the GF110mm F2 and GF80mm F1.7 lenses. The Fujifilm Fujinon GF lenses are just amazing. They remind me of the high quality Carl Zeiss MF lenses.
Fujifilm medium format cameras is perfect for both portraits and landscape, i’m looking for a used GFX 50S II at the moment. Also looking at Mitakon 65mm f 1,4 with GF mount .
Fujifilm X mount cameras i had so many that it would look like a wiki page if i listed them. My favourite is the X-Pro1 and 2, never had the 3 yet.
Also had all X100 series execept the V.
For just a walk in the city or nature I always tend to grap a older beaten up camera, with a really good lens. I then prefer Fujifilm X-pro1 with Fujinon 35mm F 1.4 or the Canon 5D’s with 35mm f2 Carl Zeiss manual ZE lens.
If shooting film i take my Pentax Super ME with 400 ISO black and white film.

My Canon 5D with 300mm F4 IS
Here is the camera i’m never going to get rid of. My Pentax Super ME anolog 35mm film camera. My father bought this in Gaza when he was in the UN peacekeeping forces in the 70s.
I still use this and like the ILFORD black and white film the most. Love that old Pentax.
The photos I get with the Pentax Super ME is great, for black and white it’s perfect.
Film is not the smarter choice – but it’s always worth it for me when I get the prints.

Fujifilm cameras have a place in my heart, they are just so easy to use, manual controls are just….easy .
I will also write about cameras and lenses I have owned earlier.
The three things i like the most to photograph is Landscape, streetphotography and portraits. That alone makes it difficult to have just one camera and let say two lenses. That would be perfect but would not cover my needs.
For portraits i prefer Canon and Fujifilm cameras, mostly because their color science and accurate skin tones. As lenses go – on my Canon camera I tend to use my Carl Zeiss lenses with manual focus the most.

A portrait shot @ f2.8 to be used at he’s FIFA profile. Canon 5D and 100mm Zeiss.
For nature and landscape I mostly use Canon and Fujifilm. But sometimes also my Ricoh GR. It has 28mm that’s most of the times wide enough for landscape.
Shot at f1.4 with my Fujifilm 35mm f.1,4.
Me and my friend Helge. Another friend took this shot with my camera, Fuji X-E2
This was my bag in 2014
My camera bag was at the frontpage of the JCH website today 🙂
All pictures is Copyright © Ulf Greger.