Black & White
“Photography is more than a medium for factual communication of ideas. It is a creative art.” – Ansel Adams’
It’s back to basic with simple black and white photography for a while.
Mostly using my Pentax ME Super with a Pentax 50mm, (scans to digital from film), and my old trusty battle scarred street camera, the Canon 5D with Carl Zeiss 2/35 Distagon ZE T*.

This is an old post from 2015 – 2016… so in 2021 I also use Ricoh GR ( my sixth GR actually, and second one with APS-C size sensor ) A Fujifilm X-Pro1 and a Fujifilm X-E1. Love the GR series but not a big fan of the Ricoh GR III. Have tested GR 3 but it’s too small, no flash and different and not so good positive film effect made me return it after one day.
Instead i bought an older APS-C 2013 model GR again. Great camera.
Ricoh / Pentax please bring back flash and get some weather sealing for the Ricoh GR IV / 4.
This is just a blog. Not a portfolio. So random everyday photos only ..

Six photos above is from Thailand. A story to every one of them. Maybe I will share more from Thailand someday. Thailand is one of the most wonderful country I have visited so far. The thai people are very helpful and kind.

My dog Maybach ( R.I.P ) miss her much.

Julia with my Pentax Su ME 35mm film camera
My youngest daughter Julia, studying.

Keys, to my old house
All pictures is Copyright © Ulf Greger.